Recap #58: Books of Blood 2: The Hunger by M. C. Sumner
Dove recaps Books of Blood 2: The Hunger by M. C. Sumner, where we have new characters and MOAR VAMPIRES.
Continue readingWhere evil twins and friends come together to lovingly snark Point Horror and other teen genre fiction
Dove recaps Books of Blood 2: The Hunger by M. C. Sumner, where we have new characters and MOAR VAMPIRES.
Continue readingWing and I recap Books of Blood 1: The Principal by M. C. Sumner and Bad Blood 1: Bad Blood
Continue readingDove recaps Books of Blood 1: The Principal by M. C. Sumner where Talli is going to save the world from vampires. And it’s as cool as it sounds.
Continue readingDove finally loops back to complete Haunting Christmas Tales by various, almost a year later. This recap contains the best short story of the set. And one so bad it gets recapped in five sentences.
Continue readingDove recaps Hall Pass by Robert Hawks, and still has no idea what it was about.
Continue readingDove recaps the Point Horror staple, The Accident by Diane Hoh, where a nice girl swaps places with a ghost and, shocker, that turns out to be a Very. Bad. Idea.
Continue readingDove recaps Fatal Secrets by Richie Tankersley Cusick, the love child of Cusick’s meandering dirge and Michael Bay’s assumption that explosions will fix everything.
Continue readingDove recaps The Invitation by Diane Hoh where a bunch of unfortunates are invited to the coolest party of the year… as the victims. It’s like The Purge, only less happens and nobody cares.
Continue readingDove recaps The Dead Game by A Bates, wherein an awfully boring game escalates to… well, Point Horror wackiness, as usual.
Continue readingDove recaps The Stranger by Caroline B Cooney, which turns out to be an unexpected joy. It is basically Twilight, except the Bella character is not an energy-sucking void, and the Edward character is cursed with an *actual curse*, rather than “tragically attractive and awfully good at everything he does”.
Continue readingDove recaps The Vampire’s Promise (Vampire Series: Book 3) by Caroline B. Cooney, where nobody trades humans for beauty or popularity, but there is a random donut-eating policewoman for no fucking reason at all.
Continue readingDove recaps Return of the Vampire (Vampire Series: Book 2) by Caroline B. Cooney, where Devnee trades humans not for popularity like Althea, but for beauty. It goes about as well as can be expected.
Continue readingDove recaps The Stalker by Carol Ellis, which feels like a paint-by-numbers Point Horror. Bad things happen to a nice girl. Business as usual.
Continue readingDove recaps My Secret Admirer by Carol Ellis with is probably the tropiest of all the Point Horrors, but has a good lead character and a cool setting.
Continue readingDove recaps Help Wanted by Richie Tankersley Cusick and has to resort to bullet points, as this book has a lot going on, most of which is silly, pointless, or offensive.
Continue readingDove recaps the first half of Haunting Christmas Tales by various authors. Don’t be misled by the summary, there is no framing story. Neither should the 13 series in Point Horror give you unrealistic expectations about the quality of these stories. They’re pretty average.
Continue readingDove recaps a Point Horror staple, The Cheerleader (Vampire Series: Book 1) by Caroline B. Cooney, where Althea trades humans for popularity, and it’s kind of awesome.
Continue readingTitle: The Train by Diane Hoh Summary: Hannah and her friends are on a train trip that begins as a
Continue readingDove recaps Defriended by Ruth Baron, which was written by the one person on the planet who has never heard of catfishing, and actually expects us to believe that the dead use Facebook. In a series known for being a massive tease when it comes to the supernatural. Ruth Baron can just fuck off. I hate this book.
Continue readingDove recaps The Mall by Richie Tankersley Cusick, which is literally the best and worst thing Cusick has ever written. This causes Dove to explode with rage. Several times.
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